The open season is for the benefit of providing combined capacity in the ammonia cracker with the required ammonia storage capacity to feed that cracker capacity in the first phase of Project Amplifhy Rotterdam and Project Amplifhy Antwerp. The three phases of the open season are:
- Non-binding Expression of Interest for the hydrogen import terminal (ammonia storage capacity incl. ammonia cracker capacity)
- Heads of Agreement for which a successful know-your-counterparty (KYC) process is required.
- Terminal user agreements and cracker user agreements
Expression of Interest
The objective of the Expression of Interest (EoI) is to understand interest in the project through gaining insights into the customer specifications and operational requirements in relation to Project Amplifhy. It will allow VTTI to align the project scope with the customer objectives as well as adhering to the negotiated third party access (TPA) requirements coming from the European Regulations and Directives.
VTTI intends to invite all interested parties that complete the EoI questionnaire for further discussion based on the information provided, with the aim to work towards phase 2 of the open season: Heads of Agreement.
VTTI can also offer the market ammonia tank storage capacity independent from the hydrogen market (not part of Project Amplifhy). Parties with an interest solely in ammonia tank storage capacity do not need to participate in this open season and can contact us separately. Nevertheless, in the EoI, participants can indicate their interest in market ammonia tank storage capacity.
How to participate?
All interested parties can participate in the open season for Project Amplifhy by requesting the Expression of Interest form via and submit the required information before 28 February 2025. In case you are unable to complete and submit the form, please contact and we will provide assistance.
At request of the EoI form, parties will be provided with a process letter that outlines the process and requirements for the EoI phase of the open season, an EoI questionnaire to be filled out and a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). VTTI will treat the information it receives from interested parties in relation to the open season process as confidential and will use the received information solely in relation to the open season process of Project Amplifhy.
Only interested parties that participate in the EoI phase of the open season and timely complete and submit the EoI questionnaire to VTTI will be invited to participate in phase 2 of the open season when it is launched.